Recognized Excellence in Plastics Industry
The WIESER company has been founded in the year 1945 and has been supplier to the EPS industry since 1958 (see HISTORY)
Many systems for processing EPS (expandable polystyrene) which are available nowadays, are based on (or at least influenced by) the WIESER developments and innovations :
PROGRESS AND TRADITION are the key words for a permanent communication with EPS processors worldwide, ensuring a constant development of systems for more profitable production, always considering the actual requirements of the respecitve market areas, in order to properly react to our customer´s needs and budget.
EPS machinery - decades of experience

Together with partners in prominent locations all over the world, WIESER offers services and solutions to the industry, which are vital for consolidation and growth of any company, processing products related to EPS and other interesting rawmaterials.
Our aim is, to inspire and motivate the decisionmakers and provide the necessary information and the equipment to our customers, allowing them to keep up with the growing demands and make their production more profitable.
Take your organisation to a new level
Improve and build your business together with a reliable partner, providing the Know-How and the equipment to work even more successful : WIESER Industrieanlagen GmbH can help you to create new business, find better ways in your existing production flow, locate market niches, develop new products or simply put you in contact with skilled technicians and engineers for trouble shooting in your factory.